Monday, January 27, 2020
The Importance Of Socio-Cultural Factors
The Importance Of Socio-Cultural Factors Abstract The aim of the research project is to find out how two different schools within the same borough cater to children learning EAL and bilingual children. Observing two children aged 4-5, within a reception class setting was one research method used. Notes were made on their verbal and non-verbal interactions, with either an English-speaking student or a Tamil speaking student and their overall involvement in routine activities. To follow, interviews were also conducted with each schools EAL/EMA coordinators to gain first had information on exactly what each school provides, and to see if there were any differences in their approach. The paper looks into theories behind mainstreaming EAL students, the difficulties that settings come across and the key strategies and acts that have been put in place to narrow the gap between EAL student and English speaking students. Introduction English is described as the primary language, which is spoken and written in the British Isles (Oxford English Dictionary 1989). Hence it is empirical that all children in an early years setting linguistically aquire the language in order to be able to understand and complete the work that is put in place by the national curriculum. This case study will look into bilingual children and children learning EAL (English as an additional language) particularly focusing on children from an ethnic-minority background. In England (2009), 856,670 pupils were recorded as having a mother tongue other than English; this represented a total of 492,390 pupils or 15.2% at primary school (Statistical First Release August 2009). Inner London was recorded as having 54.1% of pupils learning English as a second language making it a prime researching ground for this topic. Research from the same statistical evidence also showed that there were more than 200 languages that are spoken in the homes of children attending schools in England (DFES 2001). The large statistical evidence begins to unravel the rapidly increasing number of EAL pupils. An increasing amount of pressure is put on mainstream classroom teachers to be able to handle both English-speaking students and Children learning EAL within a mainstream setting. This stresses the importance of all the ever-changing policies and strategies that have been implemented by the government and local authorities. These are not in place for the best intreset of the pupils but also to enable settings to achieve their highest potential. Most of the educational theories and practices are derived from research completed in Europe, Australia or northern America; a limited area of the world (Cable, C 2005). Research findings from these areas of the world will not be applicable in settings with children from ethnic minority backgrounds.This becomes another barrier for both the members of staff and pupils; expectations will begin to vary especially for a child from an ethnic minority background. Teachers with a lack of experience in a socially diverse field will base and derive mos t of their way of practice/ teaching from research which may limit the extent of help and support they can offer children, from any other background than those that the research has been based upon. Maslows work recognised the importance of socio-cultural factors, he believed that all children needed to feel safe, valued and needed a sense of belonging (Catlow.J 2006). This will be very difficult if the teacher has not got a wider understanding of a childs specific cultural background, beliefs and a general way of life. It will restrict interactions, as no familiarity would be available for the child to feel a sense of belonging. It is crucial to have a general understanding of an individual pupil, especially if they have arrived from a war-torn country or if theyve had no previous experience in an educational setting. This means that the child will not only have to acquire a new language but immerse themselves in completely new settings and environment with the possibility that no extra support will be provided by the family and parents, as they also may not be accustomed to the life and ways of schooling of this country. In 2006 the primary national strategy (Excellence and enjoyment, 2006) said that significant progress had been made in raising standards for primary schools and that many individual children from minority ethnic groups and those learning EAL were achieving impressive results; but this was not the case for all the children. Achievement gaps between different social and ethnic groups are still prevalent and needs further work (Mahon, Crutchley and Quinn 2003). Through observations and interviews it leads to the main research question of how do schools cater to children learning English as a second language? As the main question was very open, it was broken down by only looking at two different schools with a high population of ethnic diversity (evidence from Ofsted reports, 2008 and 2010). Then the different approaches they have in assisting children learning English as a second language and new arrivals into the school was looked into. The main aim was to see how well each setting pro vided conditions for learning with valued diversity, promote confidence and a sense of belonging, along with how well they developed effective partnerships with parents, carers, families and communities. First hand information was gained via interviews with the EMA (ethnic minority coordinators) to see how the school deals with LEA and bilingual children. Observations in a classroom setting were to see how their strategies were being implemented and how this affected or enabled the LEA or bilingual children to participate and understand the basic curriculum. The first hand research was then related back to secondary research to see how well the settings were using/complying to strategies, and policies such as the EYFS framework, work from NALDIC, Dfes, ECM, EMAG Aiming High and Primary national strategies. Literature review English as additional language (EAL) has only been mainstreamed in English school education since the mid 1980s(leung). From then onwards, over the past thirty years, the concept of integrating EAL learners into the mainstream curriculum has been a major point of interest for policy makers and educationalists(nalidc). As Lamb 2001 stated we currently live and teach in a highly complex and increasingly multilingual society. This is evident from the data collected via CILT; the annual school census: language data collection showed that in 2008 14.3% (466,420) of all LA (local authority)maintained primary school children have a first language known to be other than English. The latest data from the same census showed that the percentage had increased to 16.0% (518,020). Reason s for the rapid increase could be due to the current economical state and labour demands leading to the recruitment of workers from other parts of the world (Leung) and the growing numbers of asylum seeker/refugee children. Data from (DfES 2002) found that 70% of the children who were in those circumstances came from homes where little or no English is spoken (DfES 2002). These movements within the UK has led to English as an additional language becoming an important social and educational policy concern (for example, Bullock 1975; Department of education and science (DES) 1985; commission for racial equality (CRE) 1986; Department of education and science DES 1998; Department for education and employment (DfEE) 1999 qualifications and curriculum authority (QC a) 2000; DfEE 2001 The current EAL policy was first implemented at a time when there was a perceived need to tackle racism(leung). It was designed to remove any barriers and allow an equal access to education. The main aim was to give all children an equal opportunity by integrating them into the mainstream curriculum regardless of their English language competence. In England the way EAL has been perceived has shifted over the years. Even the label has evolved from English as a foreign language (EFL) which only focused on learning the language. This term failed to integrate the broader curriculum and overlooks the importance of ones first / home language. At a time when the term EFL was used students were often taught in separate language centres where no social links could be formed with native English speakers.soon after the findings of the 1986 Commission for Racial Equality report was released the separate language centres were closed down and specialist language support was incorporated within t he context of mainstream classrooms. Further research from (DFES 2010) has now shown that Children who are learning English as an additional language will learn more quickly alongside fluent users of English who can provide good language and learning role models. This is evident in (reference the case study) and many other school who use a Buddy system to ease children into school seetings throughout the induction period. Globally, there now exists a broad spectrum of literature on the education of EAL and bilingual pupils (Bourne Reid, 2003). Most of the ideas and developments that have risen in the field of EAL can be seen as falling into the following four categories. Language content orientation is based on a very structural approach , an example of this is the Scope material(1978). This advsed teachers that from the very beginnng you have to see it that your pupils learn correctly organized language. The incorporation of grammar , spoken laguage and written skills were developed through themed work eg; shopping or farm animals. With the use of visual enhancement and group discussion it allowed eal pupils to develop all of the conventional aspects of learning English. Content- language orientation is when subject specific uses of vocabulary and expressions are identified and classroom strategies are built around these in order to promote both understanding of he subject content and learning of English at the same time. An example of this is seen n (dale cuevas, 1987) workthey pointed out that maths uses English language vocabulary in a particular way hence pupils needed to be aware of the context each xpressions belonged to e.g the notion of subtraction can also be reffered to as; take- away, subtract from and etc. following fro this ( Mohan 1986; 1990; 2001) proposed an content language intergration approach which ties language expressios and curriculum content together via a set of underlying knowledge stuctures . he also suggested that the use of visual representations should be used to assit understanding of the key language and content meaning by students. Trans curriculum language orientaton is another form of eal pedagogy. An example of this is Cummins (Cummins, 1992; 1996; 2000; Cummins and swain, 1986) suggestion that language proficiency can be distinguished between basic interpersonal communicative skills (BICS) and cognitive/academic language proffiency ( CALP). BICS is usually when the meanings communicated is familiar to those involvrd in the conversation or when gestures and actions are provided for better understanding e.g greeting friends or going to play in the playground. CALP is language that is embedded in the context of a curriculm usually the language that contributes to educational success. This work went on to show that children learning an additional language can become conversationally fluent in the new language in 2-3 ears but may take 5 years or longer to catch up with monolingual peers in the development of CALP. Along with Cumins work the conceptual framewok prposed by snow, met gensee ( 1989; 1992) that enab les EAL and content teachers to share a common teaching agenda. Both of their ideas are pedagogically relevant to second language development within the mainstream curriculum. Cummins work can be used to plan out classroom strategies whilst the framework drawn up by Snow et al can be used for both language and subject content analysis and planning The fourth category is student orientation. The early work of Levin (edited by Meek 1996) was most influential in this theory. This was the first that saw mixed ability teaching in mainstream classrooms as a potentially effective response to meeting the language learning needs of eal pupils . Unlike the content and language orientated approaches this focuses more on the pupils level of progression and emphasies that social interaction between students and between students and teachers as pivotal. Another example of the important role of the first language is Cummins work on the underlying proficiency. This work showed that those who have developed CALP in their first language can transfer much of this learning to additional languages. The same theory is also prevalent in Colliers (1995) theory , the previous experience of leanring, apptitiued ,leanring style which was developed through the acquisition of the first language can be adapted into the way that the second language is learn t. As mentioned in (Naldic) the label of EAL itself appears to be part linguistic, part educational, part social and part political therefore the learners social and cultural experiences will impact on their progress in language acquisition as well as on their cognitive and academic development(ref). the development of a second language should not be seen as a problem or hinderance but as an opputunity to enhance her/his cultural heritage by adding a new language to their repertoire without losing proficiency in the first. Eal pedagogy has also been influenced by social constructivist theories; this emphasizes the importance of scaffolding learning, which highlights the socio-cultural and emotional factors. These factors are largely influenced by the attitude towards the children, culture, language, religion and ethnicity (ref) . This is mirrored by the work of Vygotsky (1962) who emphasized the influence of social interaction, cultural context and language in cognition and the role of a more experienced person in supporting childrens learning through scaffolding in the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) (Cable, 2005). Another socialists theory was Maslows work on recognising the importance of socio-cultural factors, he believed that all children needed to feel safe, valued and needed a sense of belonging (Catlow 2006) whilst Bruners work was focused more on the linguistic and coginitive side the link between high order language functions and thinking and learning skills. Each of these theories are ver y interlinked yet focus on different apectss of the leanring process a central characteristic of each policy development is a recognition of the overlapping social and cultural phenomena which impact on attainment in school (TTA, 2003). Bilingual learners and children learning EAL face two main tasks in school: they need to learn English and they need to learn the content of the curriculum (Excellence and enjoyment, 2006). Both aspects need to be equally balanced, particular focus on just grasping the language can leand to children falling behind on their academical process. One of the difficulties that is faced by schools is wheter to place children in settings with a lower cognitive demand to place the focus on improving the language aquisition skills or keeping them in classroom with peers of the same age group so they feel included and not made to feel reduced academically. There are national educational documents which suggest that along with English minority languages should also be considered languages of the mainstream curriculum; an example of this is found in the English (subject) national curriculum documents teachers are advised that in realtion to the development of spoken and written English they shou ld be building on pupils experiences of language at home and in the wider community, so that their developing uses of English and other languages support one another (DfEE and QCA 1999). For optimal educational outcome both the every child matters outcome and the EYFS key principles must always be followed in every setting to ensure that each individual child has an equal opportunity to succeed (Excellence and enjoyment, 2006). the overall ethos and curriculum of a school should be inclusive and welcoming (Sure start for everyone. 2004) as Leung stated children who do not feel a sense of belonging and do not feel comfortable in their surrounding will not learn. This links back to the pivotal relationships and attachments formed with members of staff. Schools need to stress the importance of cultural relevance for all families and ensure that they feel the setting is a place where they can feel comfortable, respected, valued and included (Excellence and enjoyment, 2006). The Race Rel ations (Amendment) Act 2000 states that every school should have a race equality policy which should cover staff, pupils, parents/carers and the wider community (DfES 2004). It is through language and the interactions with proximal society that culture is transmitted to the child. In this context the learners sense of identity develops, and language is central to this process (Franson, 2009). many parents would want their children to perform to their best abilities at a school level their first language plays a crucial part within the context of the family and community. In many cases the first language is the only means of communication with the extended family such as grandparents and family living abroad ( ref) . not only is the first language helpful in coding a second languageas stated in(Excellence and enjoyment, 2006) it is widely accepted that home language skills are transferable to new languages and strengthen childrens understanding of language use but a crucial factor in keeping the family close. A difficulty that arises in settings is when the teachers are not given enough information on how to work with these children.a teachers identity is not only conceived within an individual practitioners head, but it is also identified by the set of core values and beliefs that have traditionally been linked to that role. Society places a particalur ideology on what teachers should be able to handle children ( Hanworth 2008) but current research shows that most teachers felt that the level of trainining given throughout the intial teacher training stage (ITT) was inadequate. . The percentage of trainees who felt that their training was good or very good in preparing them to work with pupils with English as an additional language has remained static at 34% in 2007 and 2008(Hendry, 2009).This is due to EAL not being a main subject specialism and also as it requires no mandoatory specialist qualification (Haworth 2008; Butcher, Sinka Troman 2007). (10 case studies) Via the case studies they found that teachers who did one year of PGCE did not have enough time for reflection as most of the emphasis was doing it by the book reducing the input on EAL. With the increased population of EAL learners it is important to note the demand for different types of EAL provision with the new pattern of immigration. the mismatch in the system between the demand and the available specialist workforce is shown via the figures from NALDIC;; between 2004-2008 the number of EAL pupils rose by approximately 25% to stand at 824,381 but the number of EAL/EMA teachers had just increased by 8% during the same period. Socially perceived boundaries such as subject specialisation and hierarchial roles within a school setting can lead to a lack of collaboration (Haworth 2005). Coplllaboration has not historically been associated with class teaching (Lortie 1975). This is a downfall in the develepoment of EAL pedagogoy as teaching practice may benefit from collaboration on a personal level, through providing moral support and confidence; a professional level, enhancing reflective learnin; as well as on a practical level, resulting in increased effieciency and reduced workload (Hargreaves 1994). All teachers develop an individual self identity (Nias 1989) this then develop into self- efficacy beliefs which is an interweaving of the cognitive factors and affective dimensions (dufva 2003; Marland, 1986). Once self efficacy is achieved teachers are said to have strong beliefs about their ability to impart knowledge and enhance learning outcomes (Haworth 2005). But in a setting with a high population of EA L pupils the confidence/ self- efficacy is said to be challenged as teaching unpredicatibilty is often heightened and appropriate schemas many not be available (Pajares 1992). In these cases teachers may then become reluctant to seek help even when they need it ( Young kram, 1996) as their competence may be judged on their own ability to solve problems on their own( Lortie 1975). Other issues around this context is the status levels of support teachers and class teachers. Class teachers usually hold more powerful positions than support teachers (Haworth 2005) this can lead to a lack of communication on a childs progress. It is empirical that both sides are communicating effectively to discuss any problems or notes that have been made and to combine the curriculum work that the class teacher is focusing on (butcher et al 2007). Class teachers have also been reported to have unrealistic expectations of support teachers; they are expected to hold multiple roles and have cultural awa reness in all cultures that each child brings into the setting. All of this is expected out of sometimes non-qualified volunteers. Other teachers fear to show that they have specialism in the field of EAL as once established they are given the label of EAL specialist and expected to handle all children learning EAL. Hargreaves (1994) ideal vivison of a moving mosaic would be ideal where all professional contributed and discussed ways of Improvements. A lack of clarity between SEN and EAL is also a major concern.the (case studies ref) states the reason for this to be the lack of clearly identified criteria for identifying the language needs of pupils. Without clear assessment it is difficult to tell whether the delay is caused due to confidence issues using the language or because they have real learning difficulties independently of the language difference (cline 2009) As a pupil has further exposure to English, special educational needs may become apparent. It may be appropriate to follow both courses of action for some bilingual pupils. All answers should be based on good evidence collected in a variety of circumstances over a period of time. Children should only be involved with the SEN co-ordiantors if there is an actual need that needs to be dealt with. The SEN framework works completely differentlt to the EAL one, the wrong diagnosis could lead to the cognitive ability of the child to be supreesed due to the lack of challe nge. Over the main issues pointed out by researchers that have been a cause for concern are; the roles and reponsibilties over staff and support members, the staus of each member of staff and the crossover with specialists and mainstream teachers, the use of first language, community links and the teaching of English itself. Theories and frameworks have been developed (reference all above) but an international framework that will relate to all settings has yet to be created. Different approaches and methods are used by different settings but they are all costumly accomadeted to suit each setting, one approach that may be successful in one setting may not work at all in a different one. It all dpends on the geographical location of the settings and the particular outcomes it needs to reach. Methodology: The topic was chosen due to personal experience and an innate interest. At the age of 8 I was moved to the united kingdom and was considered to be an EAL learner. With no previous experience of English I was enrolled in a mainstream primary school setting. The main central research question is to look into how effectively pupils learnng EAL are intergrated within mainstream school settings. This was then broken down into 3 categories; to research current frameworks and theories, how interaction amongst peers effect the development and what kind of provision teachers/members of staff provide in supporting children learning EAL. The research was conducted in the manner of a case study. A Case study can be described as a spotlight on one instance/ situation or an in depth study to uncover what is happening and to shed fresh light (Aubrey et al 2000). The concept of EAL is a rapidly increasing area of interest and as set rules and regulations have yet to be adapted the process of a case study allows the opportunity to focus on all aspects of relevant research. The advantage of conducting one is; that it is richly contextualized allows for plenty of detailed descriptions and gives a better sense of what is being studied (Roberts-Holmes, 2005). This is contradicted by Flyvbjerg (2006) who pointed out the misunderstandings of case studies. The claims included One cannot generalize on the basis of an individual case and, therefore, the case study cannot contribute to scientific development ;and The case study contains a bias toward verification, i.e., a tendency to confirm the researchers preconceived notions. The overall aim of the case study was to focus on children learning English as a second language. With the use of internet serach engines and the universities library resource the process of filtering journals and information that was already produced began. As journals were read it became very apparent that there were no set guidelines for teachers to follow. Members of staff were facing a number of issues that hindered their ability to enable children learnig EAL to achieve their full potential. As the overall EAL issue was very wide the central research question (CRQ) was then refined to How are children learnig EAL intergrated into mainstream settings. First hand information is to be gained by looking into the interactions amongst pupils and how much supported is provided by the teacher. This is to be gained by the use of a semi- structured interview with the EMA/ EAL coordinators of each setting and an observation of 2 children within their natural classroom setting focusing on the interactions amongst peers and how the teachers expertise supports the children. As per the London government website (ref) London has the highest population of people from an ethnic minority background. With this information the search for two appropriate settings with a high number of EAL pupil began. With the use of the OFSTED reports the settings were narrowed down and then chosen according to proximity and access. First contacts were made via e-mail (see appendix ?) this outlined the aims of the research my intentions and what I would require. Both schools were content with the intial information that had been provided and requested to meet in person for further details to be discussed. The brief meetings with each head-teachers allowed me to be put in contact with the right members of staff and for them to provide me with children learning EAL in the appropriate class/age group. Two criterias were empirical in this research one was the chosen age group; 4-5 as an appropriate level of cognitive and language development is essential for any developments in ac quiring a second language to be noticed.the second is the ethnicity/ first language. The requirements were for 2 tamil speaking (as a first language) pupils. As I also have the ability to speak and understand the language it would allow me to gain first hand information on the discussions and thoughts amongst the peers. Once permission was granted to enter the school premesis the head teachers briefly introduced me to the class teachers that were in charge of the allocated classrooms and to the EAL/EMA co-odinators of each schools. The teachers allowed me to get aquainted with the class before the observation process had began enabling children to accept my presence and getting a chance to understand the purpose of why I was there. Ethical consideration was empirical as the research method consisted of first hand contact with children. Concerns have been related to the appropriateness and desirability of involving children directly in research, in terms of their competence and vulnerability as research subjects (manon et al 1996). The day observation commenced, a CRB had to be presented to both schools for security reasons before access was given to work with children. On the day of observation the teachers had pre- allocated two children as per the request and gave me a brief background. This included how long they had been in the u.k, when they joint the setting and what their current level of EAL was (see appendix?). as the children arrived at school the class teacher pointed out the parent of the pupils of interest. This enabled me direct contact in order to gain parental consent. A consent letter (See appendix 4) was also handed to them giving them a brief explanation of what my research consisted of and how their child would be involved allowing objection at anytime. Verbal consent was gained from the children to avoid deception. Further ethical evidence was specified (See Appendix 2). One of the chosen research methods was observation looking at day-to-day events within a setting without altering anything (Clough Nutbrown cited in Roberts-Holmes. 2009). This was considered to be the most suitable for acquiring information on the interactions amongst peers and witnessing exactly what kind of support was given by the teachers if any it involves first hand evidence collection and real-life situations (Roberts-Holmes, G, 2005, P92). This was extremely important as the children would need to behave exactly as they would in their daily lives without the researchers presence influencing the outcomes.The downfall to the method was that it was only conducted for a day hence the data collected may not have been be a true reflection of real life situation, as participants may know they are being observed. (Robson, C.2002). this should always be kept in mind when analyising the results. That said observation is the only method provides the closest representation of real life situations (Robson, C. 2002 It allows a researcher to be a part of their everyday life at school, seeing how they interact, play and learn, also allows observer to take account of emotions, tensions and behavior. (Bell, 1999). This was conducted as a mixture of structured observation and unstructured observation. The purpose was kept in mind, hence anything in relevance to how teachers facilitated children and the interactions between the peers was noted down as reflective diary notes (Holmes P.97). As soon as the initial raw observations were noted certain aspects specifically realted to the main focus were elaborated on,including the details of how the members of staff used materials and techniques to aide children learning EAL. The aim was to observe from an outsiders point of view but when working with children the nature is always unpredictable. At times participants would ask direct question or help which had to be responded to,at this point the role of a participant observer would be taken on. Although it disrupted the validity of the research it his allowed a deeper understanding through clarifications of their behaviour or actions that were at times unclear. To gain the information that was required from the EAL/ EMA co-ordinator a semi structured one on one interview was conductuded. This allowed information from the direct source, the researcher to ask the participant to elaborate, confirm and clarify what they are saying (Roberts-Holmes, 2005:110). Due to the close proximity the use of follow-up questions can be used to clarify something that has been said, or to expand on something raised by probing (Mac Naughton, 2001). The questions were prepared using the information that were highlighted as key areas in the literacy review and based onf current frameworks and policies. The interview was recorded via the use of a
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Place I Have Visited for Holiday
The Place I Have Visited For Holiday Last Chinese New Year would be my first one week break after entering the life of a college student. It was such a pleasant relieve because I do not think I could take another pressure after my mid-term examination. My friends from other colleges were also having their break from college so all of us decided to go for a short trip to Pulau Pinang. There were a total of nine people including myself. Originally, we planned to take the train to Pulau Pinang but they were out of tickets due to the festive celebration.So we took the bus instead. On our way there, the bus made a pit stop at Tapah. Most of my friends went down because it was just so cold on the bus but I decided to stay in. As the bus started to continue the journey to Pulau Pinang, I realised that my friends were not on the bus. And then I received a phone call from one of my friends saying that they were left behind. I quickly went to the driver to ask him to pull over so that my frien ds could catch up and get on the bus. Luckily, they were not too far behind.The journey took about six hours due to heavy rain. We reached Butterworth at around dawn. After that, we had to take the ferry to cross over to other side to get to Batu Ferringhi, Pulau Pinang. We were all really excited to finally arrive in Pulau Pinang but exhausted at the same time because of the long journey. So we decided to straightaway go to the guest house and check in. We spent the rest of the afternoon getting some rest before heading out to the beach which is just in front of the place we were staying at.After enjoying the view and playing some volleyball at the beach, we went for dinner at Gurney Drive. There was a wide variety of food to choose from. Each and every one of us bought different kinds of food then we exchange with each other and taste them. The food there was very delicious and tasty. We even took away some, in case we get hungry later. Then all of us went for a walk at the Ferrin ghi Night Market. There were so many tourists walking around too. We stopped by Sixty Nine Mansion to have some drinks before we head back to our guest house.The next day we checked out around noon and we took a train back home. We reached Kuala Lumpur safely later that night. In conclusion of our short trip to Pulau Pinang, it was truly a memorable experience. Pulau Pinang is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in Malaysia. Pulau Pinang is also an exciting place to visit because it has so many attractions to offer. There are so many things to see and so many other things to do. All in all, Pulau Pinang is surely an amazing place to go for a short trip or vacation.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Compare two or more poems that convey different impressions about town life Essay
Compare two or more poems that convey different impressions about town life. Compare their purposes and techniques in writing these poems. In this essay I will analyse and discuss the similarities and differences of four poems, all about relating to life in London: ââ¬ËSymphony In Yellowââ¬â¢ by Oscar Wilde, ââ¬ËComposed Upon Westminster Bridgeââ¬â¢ by William Wordsworth, ââ¬ËLondonââ¬â¢ by William Blake, and ââ¬ËConveyancingââ¬â¢ by Thomas Hood. I will aim to focus on the techniques used by the poets and the overall effect the poet is trying to create. I will later illustrate the similarities and differences between the poems and how they convey comparable impressions of London. In the late 18th and 19th century, the country life was seen to be peaceful and calm, and London in general was seen as a busy and hectic atmosphere. Oscar Wilde was born in 1854 and grew up in an intellectually bustling Irish household. His inspirations of London came when he visited the city, in order of fulfilling his dream of becoming famous. I would expect an idealistic impression of London from Wilde, as he looks up upon London and believes that it is the place in which he will gain a successful career. William Wordsworth was brought up in the Lake District where he became extremely familiar of the exquisiteness of the surroundings. In his poems, I would expect Wordsworth to revolve around nature and to capture the inner beauty that the environment creates. William Blake was an imaginative poet who had visionary experiences for the supernatural. I expect that in his poems, the images created would be of an abnormal presence or enclosing a lack of liveliness and presenting a disturbed situation. Thomas Hood was brought up in a part of London which was not so wealthy, and where the citizens were not as well off than other parts of London. Later in his life, he was left to roam the streets of London, a time when he spent most of his life in solitary. This leads to me believing that Hood would write his poems about the different areas of the city, and what London basically comprises of. Also, I think believe that his poetry would have meaning that links in with the passing of time, as Hood spent a lot of his life watching the time go by. ââ¬ËComposed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802ââ¬â¢ is a petrachan sonnet, not written about love, but one in which eulogises the view over West Minster Bridge. William Wordsworth is describing the view because he is inspired it and the feelings surrounding the beauty of the view. It is similar to ââ¬ËSymphony in Yellowââ¬â¢ because it is an idealistic view of the surroundings; it also has a beautiful, tranquil impression of city life. The poem is set in the early morning, which gives a special sort of radiance to the city. It gives an impression of a clean and refreshed setting that is virtually seen as shiny and new. It beauty is enhanced by introducing the dazzling sun. The poem is different to ââ¬ËConveyancingââ¬â¢ as it is more peaceful and calming. Later in the day it would be more tense, more rushing, and lots of hustle and bustle. Wordsworthââ¬â¢s impression is based on London at a time of the morning where everything is asleep, and the time when nature invades a man-made scene. He uses antiquated words such as, ââ¬Å"doth,â⬠and ââ¬Å"ne-erâ⬠which gives a sense of the city being more special, ââ¬Å"The city now doth.â⬠Wordsworth also uses similes such as, ââ¬Å"like a garment, wear the beauty of the morning,â⬠suggests that the morning is the striking part, like a garment cloaking the reality of the city. It is a covering, a beautiful faà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½ade that is only temporary while the morning lasts. The word ââ¬Å"steepâ⬠means to be saturated in. The sun is completely saturating the hill; never did it more beautifully shine until it shone onto the buildings. The power of the sun if infusing all buildings with light. The effect given is that of the sheer radiance of sun, which is saturating everything. The metaphor, ââ¬Å"That mighty heartâ⬠relates towards the human body; the heart, being the main organ, is at the centre. The heart pumps resources around and therefore gives life and feeds the rest of the city. Everything centres around the city, while country is a life-giving organ. ââ¬Å"Touching and majestyâ⬠ââ¬Ë in line 3 suggests awe and wonder, the poet is emotionally moved by the sight. It is a graceful and elegant sight that holds certain power that allows it to come across as commanding and reveal an impressive nature. It is to be looked upon, and it forces you to be humble upon its present. ââ¬Å"The beauty of the morning; silent, bare, Ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples lie.â⬠This list helps to construct the landscape as well as to create an image of all the buildings in the distant. It fills in the readerââ¬â¢s knowledge of the actual physical features that lay in the city, which help to understand the overall image created by filling in more detail to it. ââ¬Å"Bright and glitteringâ⬠implies a sense that the buildings are treasures, like jewels all glittering as the sun is shimmering through. ââ¬Å"Never did sun more beautifully steepâ⬠contains alliteration, which produces sibilant sounds. This contributes to a tranquil feeling, certainly not an aggressive sound. It creates a restful atmosphere, and with the aid of soft consonants such as ââ¬Ësââ¬â¢ a smooth dreamy effect is created. ââ¬Å"Neââ¬â¢er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!â⬠This repetition disrupts the flow and draws attention to the fine feeling he has. Quite a spontaneous feeling is illustrated by adding as it goes along; it is a personal attempt to record feelings. ââ¬Å"The river glideth at his own sweet will,â⬠is a form of personification that infuses the river with a sense of life. The personality of the river is amiable and sweet natured, it is a sentimental way of making it a positive feature. ââ¬Å"Dear God!â⬠The abrupt exclamation jolts the poem in attempt to suddenly articulate his feelings. It is quite a conversational line that recreates the experience of personal thought and emotion. The poem ââ¬ËConveyancingââ¬â¢ is a ballad that uses comedy to portray a bustling picture of life in London. Conveyancing is a general term for ââ¬Ëmoving things from one place to another,ââ¬â¢ which is exactly what this poem is about. It is a ballad, which tells a story, and is characterized by stanzas of four lines that rhyme alternately. The poem has a regular rhythm/rhyme scheme throughout, and regular syllables to help people sing it fluently. It is a version of a comedy poem with a punch that portrays London as a place of trade, poverty and stealing. The word ââ¬Å"Bustlingâ⬠suggests light-hearted action. Hood is being affectionate towards London but critical also, ââ¬Å"no one ever stops.â⬠It suggests that the city is too busy, and life is always on the go, ââ¬Å"loco-motion!â⬠ââ¬Å"Machine or man, or caravan,â⬠implies that people are always busy making and taking money. It also means that you can practically have anything if you pay for it. There is a lot of mention about the actual people in the city, and what happens in their life. Also, how they make an impact on how the city looks at a stereotypical perspective. There is talk about gambling, people getting drunk, and journalists. There are also jokes about horses being out of condition, ââ¬Å"Then if you like a single horse, This age is quite a cab-age.â⬠This suggests the poverty and scarcity in the city. ââ¬Å"Perched up to behind, at last to find, Your dinner is all dickey!â⬠This is being critical of the cafes in London, and also of the standard of food that is served there. There is a satirical tone that is brought in throughout the poem, whence the positive and negative aspects are shown. Some of the words are italicised, this defines a certain emphasis on words that create a constant rhythm going. There are a lot of references to transport such as steam, train and horses. This adds to the impression of a fast-paced moving environment. ââ¬ËSymphony in Yellowââ¬â¢ is a poem where Wilde picks out dimensions of a scene that he is describing. There is far less activity in this poem than ââ¬ËConveyancing,ââ¬â¢ and more of a tranquil atmosphere. The humans are not dominant impressions unlike ââ¬ËConveyancing.ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËSymphony in Yellowââ¬â¢ is more about the nature and the soothing tone of the country. ââ¬Å"Crawls like a yellow butterfly,â⬠is associating with meadows and peace. It adds to the calm and relaxed mood of the poem. ââ¬Å"The thick fog hangs along the quay.â⬠This quote shows the fact that for is not just described as a dismal and depressing feature, but as elegant and enhancing. There are signs of trees and vegetation, ââ¬Å"The yellow leaves begin to fade.â⬠Also, ââ¬Å"And flutter from the Temple elms.â⬠Again, this enhances the nature prospect and the beauty of the poem. ââ¬Å"Pale green Thames,â⬠is another dazzling luxury, which brings colour to the scene. Wildeââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËSymphony in Yellowââ¬â¢ is a simple image-based soporyphic poem. It is written in a very idealistic motion, painting a misleading portrait. It is more artistic that accurate. The poem is rather like ââ¬ËComposed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802ââ¬â¢ as it is an idealistic view of London, taking into account the nature and character of the city instead of focusing on man-made features.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Banking Concept of Education and The Achievement of Desire Free Essay Example, 1000 words
Even though this example does not demonstrate the usual way the ââ¬Å"banking concept of educationâ⬠happens, for instance through lectures and tests, it does show how it can happen even in subtle ways. Rodriguezââ¬â¢s teachers believed that the kind of language they spoke was the correct kind of language, and rewarded Rodriguez for his ability to copy them. They did not think that Rodriguezââ¬â¢s language that he learned from his parents could be useful, or good, or equal to their own. This is an example of how the ââ¬Å"banking concept of educationâ⬠creates a structure with teachers at the top and everyone else below them ââ¬â something Rodriguez put into himself as he changed his language. Rodriguezââ¬â¢s text shows how the ââ¬Å"banking concept of educationâ⬠can lead to destroying critical thinking faculties and rather encouraging copying educators. Rodriguez says in his text that he began to ââ¬Å"idolize [his] grammar school teachersâ⬠( 520). He did this because they held the knowledge and skills that he wanted to get further into education. But he did not only copy their language, as talked about above. We will write a custom essay sample on The Banking Concept of Education and The Achievement of Desire or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now He copied everything they did. Rodriguez says that he imitated ââ¬Å"their actions, using their diction, trusting their every directionâ⬠(Rodriguez, 520). Rodriguez ââ¬Å"trustingâ⬠his teachersââ¬â¢ direction means that he was not being critical of anything they said, because trust without thinking is the opposite of critical thinking. This shows that the banking concept of education hurts studentsââ¬â¢ ability to actually think for themselves. Rodriguezââ¬â¢s story that he would go home and correct his parent ââ¬Å"with the remark: ââ¬Ëmy teacher told us â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ shows very well that he was not questioning what his teachers thaught him, and did not seem to think that his parents could be right about something when his teachers disagreed with him. Rodriguezââ¬â¢s text clearly shows how the banking concept of education completely kills critical thinking. But this is not the only way that the banking concept of edu cation hurt Rodriguez. The banking concept of education hurt Rodriguezââ¬â¢s relationship with his family, by putting school and what teachers say as the most important thing, and making Rodriguez feel that his parents were useless, and become embarrassed about them. Rodriguez quotes a person, Hoggart, who made a theory about ââ¬Å"scholarship children, â⬠which Rodriguez thinks applies to himself. One of the main points of this theory is that teachers tend to set what they teach in the classroom, slow paced thinking and learning, and not practical needs and necessities, against what many working-class people experience at home, which is a desperate push to make enough money, provide enough food, take care of the children, and everything like that (Rodriguez, 519).
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